
Thursday, September 29, 2011

He's My Pumpy-umpy-umpkin

And he's 11 months old. How in the WORLD did that happen?

Makes this mama sad, yet at the same time, each and every stage has been more fun than the last.
But it doesn't really matter. As much as I love watching him grow and learn and get cuter, I still want to cry when I look at the photographs of like yesterday, was it? where he's an itsy witsy witsy, WITSY bitsy baby.

But look at him! All grown-up and HANDSOME. Oh my gosh. 

He is literally the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on.

Sometimes I look at him and think, "My word, somebody is so lucky to have such a nice little boy!" 
and then I slap myself around a little bit and say, "DOH, you're his mama!"

He's a smart 11 month-old. Very active, very mobile, very curious.
I know the silly boy is fully capable of standing and probably walking and running. But he refuses to even try.
Not that we're pushing him to grow up any faster of course. Ha. 

He teaches me so much. 
About discovery,
About patience,
About simple pleasures of life.
About being a mom.
About forgiving.
About love. 
The one thing that makes me wonder how he could be my child are those eye lashes. Oh my word. Wicked long. Sometimes I just want to put mascara on them.
Definitely not a feature he got from me.
Or maybe that explains what happened to mine.....

But then again, he is his dad's child, and his dad has amazing eye lashes too. Of which I am jealous. 
What kind of a wife and mom am I? To be jealous of such things??

I really, really love this boy.
This sweet, adorable, precious little man.

I also adore his handsome, handsome daddy, and feel so lucky and so blessed to wake up every morning with him by my side. Together, as lovers, joint heirs of the grace of life and as completely infatuated parents, we get to raise our sweet son.

Jimmy, you give us so much joy. 
We love you so much. 
We can't wait to watch you grow, to help you learn, to be your rock. 
You're our little man and a cute Pumpy-umpy-umpkin one at that! 
Big, slobbery kisses back at you, Mr. Pumpkin Spice. 

**And in case anybody might be wondering, he actually is not always so somber. He just gets that way in front of the camera, little stinky butt. Hehe.

****This photo shoot was 100% impromptu. We were out playing in the perfect Autumn, albeit overcast, day and I took special note of the lighting and the pumpkin and the leaves and the really, really super cute boy in his plaid flannel shirt and couldn't resist. 

******Double Dog Dare ya to pick a favorite photo.

Do You Pinterest?

I know I'm waaay behind the band wagon, and I knew I was going to become addicted as soon as I got into it.  But wow. Pinterest is Cooler than Cool!

And I'm just getting my feet wet.

I'm sure this isn't the last you will be hearing about Pinterest around here due to the fact that it has become an all-consuming form of pinspiration when I settle down to browse the great and wonderful and sometimes awful world wide web. Can't wait to put it to practical use in my home.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Because Every Dog Needs a Little Boy

Meet LeBeau: 
 His middle name is Dork, or it should be anyway. 
Once upon a time he was lonely and little boy-less. It made him sad. He was a sad dork. 

And then came the day that he met the Jimmy.

It was love. Love at first sight. LeBeau felt as though this little boy that came to visit him was his. And no little boy of his would ever be out of his sight.

The little boy grew.

...And so did LeBeau's love for the little boy.

And so ends the tale of the sad lonely LeBeau Dork and how he became the Happy LeBeau Dork.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Yes, It Has Been Awhile

...A really long while, she admits sheepishly as she realizes it has been over a month... More like nearly two whole months.

But you should be happy to know that all remains happy and well and mostly lovey-dovey.

The reason for my absence is simple really, however inexcusable that I really did not feel like going to all the complicated trouble of trying to swype my excuses out to you on my Droid. Just accept my apologies while I move on to explaining the situation. Since moving to this apparently too-remote-for service location, the internet options were slim and complicated and expensive to say the least. We think we may have found a solution, but it is on the slow side and its reliability has yet to be seen.

The good news is, internet and time permitting, I hope to get back in the swing of blog things. My baby boy keeps on getting cuter, if you can believe that. He also has a brand new baby girl cousin who is the epitome of beauty and you will die when you see photos of her sweetness. Jimmy happens to adore her and is a good big-cousin to her.

Life is beautiful. Much like how Autumn is this year.

Stay tuned! Photos, recipes, updates, thoughts.... have the potential of appearing in the near future.